Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tater Time!!!!

Look at what I grew in my front flower bed!!! I am so excited. A few months ago I was peeling potatoes for dinner and found one in the bag shaped like a heart. I thought it was pretty cool and spared it from being eaten that night. It wasn't long before it sprouted "eyes" and I decided to bury it and maybe, just maybe get something in return. while I was talking to "P" on the phone I was out watering all my other little goodies in the garden and I noticed that the once tall and bushy potato plant was now starting to look a little weathered. We decided that I would pull it up and see if anything was there. Imagine my surprise and delight when I found all these babies. I felt like a kid finding buried treasure!!! There were a few little bitty ones still clinging to the plant so I put them back in the ground and we'll see if they continue to grow. Anyway it was about the coolest thing I've seen in a long while and of course I had to fix the two biggest ones for my lunch. Mmmm...butter, salt and pepper....they were delish. Oh, I feel like such a farmer!!!!! hehe.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you grew potatoes. Those are so cute. Jo

Anonymous said...

lets make some fries out of those taters!

Anonymous said...

they look like rocks and yes i am making fun of your farming skills. :)

Kirsty Wiseman said...

they are a work of art! send me some oooh and couple of cup cakes (but not cupcakes made for tatties!)