Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No catch up for me (not to be confused with "Catsup" or even "Ketchup")

Here is my offering for the photo prompt "apple". It's a cheat, of course. I have no fruit in my home that should be photographed, much less eaten. I've had major modem/router/cable problems and I'm not sure it's over yet so I'll catch up with my photo prompts as I can.
The wedding in Laguna Beach was beautiful. I just wish I had felt well enough to enjoy the trip. Scott realized how sick I still was (coughing and wheezing ALL night) so he put me on Prednisone for my asthma...ugh, hate that stuff, and an antibiotic for the pneumonia he's diagonosed me with. I tell ya, I think I'm just going to ask Santa for a new set of lungs this Christmas and be done with it. I'm feeling a bit better now, trying to get through the days of work without passing out. This WOULD happen when I started a new job. They are very nice and understanding about my persistant coughing, using the inhaler, and my voice coming and going at the most odd times, but it's maddening to me. Plus, I have issues with the stupid steroids....they keep me awake. And this coming from a person who barely sleeps the way it is. I've been up since before 3 this morning and I have to go to work in 2 hours so it's gonna be a long, lovely day. I don't get off work until 6 tonight so mama's gonna be a tad bit crabby when she arrives back at the homestead. I'll let you know how that goes later. hehe.


Unknown said...

LOL..oopps...fab picture of the apples though.

Hazel said...

That's a lot of apples!

WendyB said...

Great shot of the apples.

Aubrey Harns said...

Terrific shot Ruth. Love the basket!

Unknown said...

Lovely shot Ruth. Glad you enjoyed the wedding and hope you feel better soon!

Sarah Youde said...

Great Apple photo! Hope the cough gets better soon.

Pam said...

gorgeous apples. hope you're feeling better soon. I have asthma, too, so understand.

Terrie Farrell said...

Those apples look fantastic, great shot, well done. X

Katy said...

Lovely shot, hope u are back on line soon :)

Diana said...

Great apples Ruth. Sorry you have not been well and hope you solve the internet problems!