Wednesday, January 14, 2009

She's going to the inauguration!

I wonder which seat she'll get?   This is just so exciting...or at least it is to us.  A month or so ago Sara wrote a letter to Sen. Harry Reid requesting a ticket to the inauguration.  She didn't hear anything and we all just thought "oh well" better luck next time.  So, a few days ago the Senator pulled 7 names out of a hat from the few thousand who, like Sara, had requested tickets.  Sara was on of the ones chosen!!!  She actually got two tickets and she's taking a friend.  Getting a flight and arranging for a place to stay has been a job and a half, but she's done it...and she leaves in a few days.  She was even interviewed by a local tv station about it.  Pretty cool, huh?   I'm worried about her going of course.  Soooo many stinkin' people going to be there and of course there's always that horrible thought of something bad happening.  (any self-respecting mother would say the same thing)  I just hope she has a wonderful time and comes back with a lot of memories and of course....lots of pictures.

I had a package waiting for me tonight when I got home from work.  That's always fun.  I ordered this "spy lens" for my camera.  It looks pretty cool, but now I'm afaid to use it...afraid I'll have someone smack me upside the head for taking their picture without asking permission.  It attaches to your regular lens and has a hole cut out of the side where a mirror reflects the image.  So while it appears that you're taking a photo in front of you, you can actually turn the lens 360 degrees and capture something you might not have been able to get normally.  I know that sounds totally sick and twisted, but I assure you, it sorta is I guess.  Hmm.  Better rethink this one.

Work is insane right now.  I have 280 patient charts I have to review and organize.  Yeah, all within the next 3 weeks.  Let's just say I start to curse my predecessor all over again and I swear I can't believe how horrible these charts are.  She just basically threw the medical records and anything else that came into the chart and never sifted through any of the millions of papers to see what we really needed and what could be shredded.  Sometimes we'll send for medical records from, say, a cardiologist, and they may send only their reports, but sometimes it's just easier for them if the patient has a lot of records (which most of these kids do) to just copy the whole stinking chart to send to us.  So...we have 2-3 copies of the exact same report.  She never looked at anything and just sort of tossed it in and forgot about it.  Thanks.  I'll be even more insane than I already am by the time this is over.  Count on it.

1 comment:

Amanda C. said...

HOW EXCITING!!! She should take YOU! I'm sure she'll have a ton of fun! Son't worry, I'm sure they will have that place jam PACKED with security. It's going to be safer there than sitting on the pot in your bathroom! Spy lens huh? I am jealous! You have all the fun toys!